What is the best way to clean dentures?

clean dentures

Looking for the best way to clean dentures? Most people think that after getting dentures, you will never worry about denture care; however, that is not true. Dentures have the capability of harboring microorganisms which lead to their destruction. Dentures can also get stained and appear dingy if not taken care of. To have good-looking dentures, you will need to commit to cleaning them. Here we will focus on how to take care of dentures and the risks of not cleaning them perfectly. See Also cost of Dentures in Houston, TX.

What Is the Best Way to Clean Your Dentures?

Did you recently acquire your tooth replacement but are wondering how to clean dentures? You can clean your dentures in three steps. To exercise proper denture care, adhere to the three steps of cleaning your dentures, and that will help you maintain the appearance and health of the dentures. Here is how to clean plaque off of dentures.


Brushing is one of the proper way to clean dentures. Most individuals who have dentures tend to skip brushing as a method of dental care. They tend to believe that soaking will eliminate all the food remains and debris; however, this will only damage your dentures.

After removing your denture, use a denture toothbrush and warm water to brush it. During dentures creation, the dentists make them with teeth’ natural shape, including indentations and grooves. That means the dentures may have crannies and nooks which collect food debris and plaque. Since a denture is an acrylic and plastic, it cannot get gum disease or cavities. But the accumulation of the debris is harmful.

Using a denture toothbrush, denture toothpaste, and warm water to get to the crannies and nooks will offer quality denture care.


Are you wondering how to store dentures overnight? After cleaning away tooth debris by brushing, soak your dentures in a denture cleaning solution overnight. Soaking prevents the denture appliance from getting dry. It is also important to check the type of solution you soak them into. You can safely use any OTC denture cleaner solution that has the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance. The solution helps in freshening and sanitizing your denture, giving it a long lifespan.

You can also make your homemade solution to soak the dentures. However, before using it, ensure your dentist approves its usage. Other recipes you get online may contain harmful products that bleach or erode the denture base.

Please note that it is very healthy for you to remove your dentures before going to bed. This is because the gums require some time without the covering, and wearing dentures 24/7 is not safe.

Expert Cleanings

Another proper way to clean dentures is visiting the dentist for expert cleanings. Some people think that you should not visit the dentist unless your dentures have an issue. However, it would be best if you regularly visited the dentist for expert cleaning every year. Expert cleaning is the best way to clean stained dentures. During the visit, they will evaluate the gum tissues that support your dentures as they clean them. This cleaning help in removing tough stains that home care can’t remove.

Best Way to Clean Partial Dentures

Partial dentures require proper denture care to remain stain-free, clean, and have an appealing appearance. Are you wondering the best way to clean partial dentures? Here is how to take care of dentures.

  • Remove your dentures and rinse them after every meal. Run water over them to remove loose particles and debris. Place a towel on your counter or sink to prevent breakage in case the dentures fall. Handle the dentures carefully to make sure you don’t damage or bend the clasps or plastic during cleaning.
  • Clean the mouth after you remove the dentures. Using a soft-bristled brush, clean your natural teeth, tongue, palate, and cheeks.
  • Brush the dentures at least one time a day. You are wondering how to clean dentures? Use a soft brush and denture toothpaste to clean the dentures, remove plaque, food debris, and other deposits. In case you use denture adhesive, ensure you brush the grooves to get rid of adhesive debris. If the question of how to wash dentures is still in your mind, know that you use a denture cleanser to wash them but do not use it in your mouth.
  • Soak your dentures overnight. This answers the question of how to care for dentures at night. Use water or a denture-soaking solution to preserve your dentures and make sure they are in good shape. You can always consult with your dentist regarding how to store dentures overnight.
  • Before wearing the dentures, ensure you rinse them thoroughly. Put the dentures in a denture-soaking solution. This is because the denture cleaner solutions have harmful chemicals that can cause pain, burns, and vomiting.
  • Schedule routine dental visits. The dentist will suggest the number of times you will visit them for checkups and professional cleaning. They will then offer you denture hygiene instructions which you should follow.

Risks Associated with Poor Denture Care

Poor denture care has so many risks. The most compelling is having stained dentures. Here are some of the risks you might face due to poor denture care.

Mouth Sores

If you fail to practice dental prosthesis cleaning, food debris will buildup on your dentures and between the gums and dentures. This will cause irritation, sore spots, and mouth ulcers.

Fungal Infection

Fungal infection (also referred to as thrush) is a compilation of unclean or stained dentures that risk discomfort, pain, and transmission of fungal infection. Thrush refers to a Candida albicans overgrowth that occurs on the mouth’s roof below the denture. If you have a dry mouth or stay with your dentures for long hours, the chances of having thrush are very high. This fungus results in inflammation which causes tender and red gums. When the infection occurs, you will need anti-fungal drugs and a period of rest for your gums. During this period, you will not put on the dentures.

Cosmetic Changes

If you fail to clean your dentures, you risk having stained dentures. The staining accumulates and alters the color of the acrylic gum tissue and the plastic teeth. If you attempt to remove the accumulated stains, you will damage the denture, change their shape, and teeth and gum’s appearance.

Things to Avoid During Denture Care

In the context above, we answered the question of what is the best way to clean your dentures and how to clean plaque off of dentures. Here are some of the things to avoid when cleaning the dentures:

  • Avoid using abrasive toothpaste (particularly whitening toothpaste) when cleaning your denture. Usually, denture teeth are quite soft compared to enamel as they are plastic. Most toothpaste has some abrasive elements, which may cause the denture to wear out with time. However, there are several kinds of toothpaste for dentures. Some of the best toothpaste for dentures include Fresh ‘n Brite, Polident Dentu-Creme, and Dr. B Dental Solutions. If you use the best toothpaste for dentures, they always remain in perfect condition.
  • Dentures should not be soaked in bleach, as some bleach may change your dentures’ base color.
  • When you consider getting rid of stains from your dentures, avoid using Dremel tools or even nail files. Using such tools will expose your dentures to draw more stains. To attain a stain-resisting surface, make sure you adhere to the polishing process following denture adjustment.
  • It would be wise to avoid cleaning your dentures with any whitening product as their chemical deteriorates your enamel. Although these chemicals may not affect the color of your dentures, they usually erode them.

Additional Requirements for Dentures That Are Supported by an Implant

Generally, dental implant-supported dentures require extra cleaning responsibilities. One of the greatest ways to maintain your dentures is by use of dental implants. They also help you avoid possible shame with ill-fitting and loose dentures. Mostly, implants are titanium made, and hence they give you the benefit of being cavity-free. Nevertheless, it would be best to take proper denture care as you can still experience gum disease.
Additionally, if you have dental implants, make sure you don’t sleep with the dentures on. Also, use the prescribed denture toothpaste and toothbrush to clean the implants inside your mouth. To ensure your implants are healthy for a long period and avoid gum disease, ensure you eliminate the plaque that usually buildup.

Contact the Dental Specialists

It is important to follow denture hygiene instructions to avoid stained dentures and remain healthy. It is also important to consult with your dentist about the best way to clean stained dentures. This is because you might damage your dentures while trying to clean them. The proper way to provide denture care is to brush, soak, and rinse them before putting them on. You can learn more about how to wash dentures and how to care for dentures at night in the context above.

If you plan to get dental prosthesis cleaning, contact us today and schedule a consultation with us. If you notice any issue with your dentures, for instance, poor fitting, which may result in irritation, infection, and sores, do not hesitate to contact our dentist. At Voss Dental, we offer the best denture care services; visit us today.
