What are Snap-In Dentures


If you have missing teeth, your smile can be restored with dentures. Unfortunately, your bone and gums can change over time resulting in a poor fit. Snap-in dentures offer you a more reliable and stable option than traditional dentures. Implant supported dentures provide you with a natural look, embarrassing slips are eliminated and your dentures are removable.

Your dental implants cost is dependent on several different factors. During your consultation, your dentist will explain the full mouth dental implants cost and determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Your first step is understanding the specifics of snap-in dentures.

What are Snap-In Dentures?

If all of your teeth are missing, snap-in dentures are an excellent option because they function as replacement teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, your snap-ins will not slip in addition to being more versatile and stable. Dental implants are simply screws inserted into your jawbone to hold your dentures in place. You will most likely require two or four implants for each jaw.

The maximum number of implants you can have inserted is 10. Once your implants have been placed, an implant-supported or overdenture is set by your dentist. Depending on your specific needs, your overdenture can be removable for easy cleaning or permanently fixed in place. Your dentures will work in one of two different ways. The first is when magnetic connecting points are used for your dentures to snap onto.

These points are attached to your dental implants on your inner jaw. You may be more comfortable with this option because there is less metal in your mouth. Your second option is the attachment of a metal plate to your implants. The plate goes across your gums, acting as a magnet for your dentures. This option eliminates any possibility of your gums being rubbed or bruised by your dentures so it is extremely popular.

There are several considerations to determine the right option for your needs including your personal preference, budget and the recommendation from your dentist. No matter which option you choose, it will work well for the long-term.

Snap-In DenturesPros and Cons


  • Your implants are a top-of-the-line tooth replacement.
  • You are preserving the quality and quantity of your bone.
  • Your dentures will remain firmly in place due to the stability and strength of your implants.
  • The investment in your implants will last for a long time.
  • The combination of dentures and implants ensures a proper fit.
  • You do not need to use denture adhesives or creams.
  • Your dentures function just like natural teeth so you can enjoy your favorite foods.
  • Your cheeks, lips and jaw receive firm support so your appearance remains more youthful.
  • Your ability to chew sticky and harder foods improves.
  • Your snap-in dentures have a more natural appearance than traditional dentures.
  • Your snap-in dentures have more stability than traditional dentures to help prevent them from coming loose while you are eating or talking.
  • You receive a better fit with less friction when compared to traditional dentures.


  • You need to have implant surgery to wear snap-in dentures.
  • Your snap-in dentures will cost more than traditional dentures and your insurance might not cover them.

Cost of Snap-in Dentures

Before you decide whether or not snap-in dentures are the right option for your needs and budget, talk to your dentist about all on 4 dental implants cost. Understanding the dentures cost breakdown is important because your cost will be affected by your specific circumstances and the number of implants you require. You will receive a specific quote for your dentures.

If you only need two implants, you can expect to pay approximately $6,000 for your dentures including your procedure. If your cost is higher, the reason can be the number of implants, your exact circumstances or a combination of both. Your best option is to ask your dentist for a dentures cost breakdown before proceeding.

How to Care for Snap-In Dentures

To make certain your investment in snap-in dentures lasts for the long-term, you need to perform the correct maintenance. If your implant supported dentures are not screwed into place, brushing the roof of your mouth, tongue and gums every day is critical. You should perform maintenance using a toothbrush with soft bristles before wearing your dentures.

Before brushing, rinse your snap-in dentures to remove any debris and loose food. Surface particles can be easily removed using a non-abrasive cleaner and your soft-bristled toothbrush. When you are not wearing your dentures, you should store them in a safe area in water until you use them again. Make certain you insert your dentures correctly to prevent them from breaking, warping or wearing out.

Start by placing your dentures into your mouth, then wiggle them up and back until the rubber washers or o-rings are in alignment with your implants. Push your snap-in dentures into place using your finger along the arch. When your dentures and implants connect properly, you should hear a snapping sound. Tug on your snap-ins slightly to make certain they are secure and in place.

Close your teeth to make certain you have a normal bite. If something does not feel right, your implant supported dentures are not seated correctly. Do not attempt to try to find the correct position by putting in your dentures then biting down because some of the components can be destroyed and your rubber washers warped. If you are forceful, you can break your dentures because they are made using acrylic.

Care and patience are necessary when inserting your dentures and you will need a little practice. Before you know it, you will be a professional at placing, maintaining and removing your dentures. To make certain you are cleaning your dentures properly, simply follow the steps listed below.

Step One

Remove your dentures before you go to bed.


Brush your dentures with a soft-bristled toothbrush or a denture brush, water and a non-abrasive cleaner. Scrub your o-rings gently and remove all debris and food particles in the area. If you leave anything behind, your dentures will not snap into place properly.

Step Three

Once your snap-in dentures are clean, place them into a small container filled with water or a denture box. Leave your dentures in the water overnight.

Snap-In Dentures Vs. Fixed Dentures

There are numerous important differences between snap-in dentures and fixed dentures you should take into consideration. Your best option should be based on your budget and specific needs. The biggest differences between the two include:

  • Your snap-in dentures are specifically designed to be removable. You will take them out every night to clean. Fixed dentures are considered permanent and only your dentist can remove them. This means fixed dentures are harder to keep clean.
  • Snap-in dentures are resistant to slipping when you are talking or eating. This is because your attachment to your implants is secure.
  • Your cost for fixed dentures is usually higher because an additional attachment bar or more implants is necessary to secure them in place. Your dental implants cost for snap-ins is generally lower.

What is the Procedure?

You will need to be patient and allow time for your snap-in dentures procedure. This includes the time necessary for you to heal completely. If you require a completely new set of teeth, your dental implants will be placed first in your lower jaw, upper jaw or both. Your dentures will then snap-in. Your implants will ensure your dentures remain in place.

You can drink and eat with your dentures, but you should remove them before you go to bed at night. The first step is having your implants placed into your jaw. Between two and six months is usually necessary for your bone and implants to bond together properly. The idea is to form a bond strong enough to anchor your dentures. For certain types of snap-ins, you may require a second surgery.

During this surgery, your implants will be uncovered and your extensions attached. If your denture system includes attached extensions, you will most likely not require a second surgery. Once your implants have been placed, a connecting device is frequently used to ensure your dentures remain in place. Your last step is having your snap-in dentures attached.

You need to realize there are variations for every procedure. Your procedure will be based on your specific requirements. Your dentist must determine if your jawbone has enough strength to support your implants. Otherwise, you will require a bone graft first. You will need to allow time for your gums to heal. Since the insertion of implants is surgical, your procedure will be performed by an oral surgeon.

Your healing process will require between two and six months. During this time, your bone graft will grow until your implants become secure. Immediate dentures can be worn while you are healing. Once all of the procedures have been completed, your snap-in dentures will be ready for you to wear and your smile fully restored.

Who is the Right Candidate for Snap-In Dentures?

Snap-in dentures are an excellent option if you have lost most of your teeth. This may have happened because you had periodontal disease, cavities or an injury. If you want to avoid the most common drawbacks of traditional dentures, you should consider snap-in dentures. Although your dentist will determine if you are a good candidate, you will not be eligible if you smoke.

When you smoke, the chance of gum disease substantially increases. This is considered a risk if you are interested in having any major oral surgery. Before dental implants can be placed, your gums need to be in fairly good condition. Your implants will not be supported properly if your gums are diseased or severely damaged. You will also not be eligible if you are a senior citizen experiencing major jaw bone loss.

Both tooth extractions and the aging process shrink the volume of your bone. If you have had numerous tooth extractions, you may have too much bone loss to support your implants correctly.

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The Bottom Line

Snap-in dentures are different from traditional dentures because they offer you a permanent solution. You can smile, talk and eat with confidence once again. You will also enjoy the natural appearance and comfort. Some of the other benefits include stability while talking or eating and helping to prevent unnecessary slippage. You will need to be patient because the process is time-consuming.

Once your dentures are able to be placed, you will discover they are a lot like your natural teeth. You should check with your insurance company to determine if some or all of the cost is covered. You can ask for a dentures cost breakdown. Call Voss Dental in Houston, TX today to schedule your snap-in dentures consultation.
