Is There a Way To Straighten Teeth Without Braces?

alternative to braces

Straightening teeth is something that many people seek, because of the aesthetic beauty a perfect set of teeth gives. Crooked or misaligned teeth are very common and could result from many reasons such as a small jawline, injuries to the jawline resulting in teeth misalignment, poor myofunctional habits or even genes.
When someone has a perfect set of teeth, we will notice it almost instantly, but so do crooked teeth attract attention. Most people with crooked teeth seek a perfectly aligned set of teeth, and that is why dental braces and other teeth straightening options are popular.

What Are the Types of Braces Used To Straighten Teeth?

Braces types are mostly determined by the material used to make them, as we will see below:

Metal braces

Metal braces, otherwise termed as traditional braces types, are made of aluminum or titanium material. They have brackets that gently and consistently push teeth into their desired shape and position. Archwires and elastic o-rings interconnect the brackets covering each tooth.
Metal braces are an efficient way to repair crooked and misaligned teeth and are very popular.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are quite similar to the metal braces, only that their brackets are made from a clear or tooth-like material, and are therefore less conspicuous. These are especially good for patients who feel very conscious about braces.
Ceramic braces work by subtly and persistently aligning crooked teeth into the desired position.

Invisible braces

Invisible braces are gaining a lot of popularity these days,not only in Houston Texas, but globally. They are trendy and almost invisible, and their Cost slightly higher. They are a series of clear or transparent aligners that you need to wear throughout. Unless someone looks too closely, they may not notice anything unusual on your teeth.
Teeth aligners are versatile in that they allow you to remove when eating. Note that you will need to brush your teeth as well as the aligners before putting them back on.
Invisible aligners work by discreetly and gradually positioning your teeth into their desired position.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are installed at the underside of your teeth, making them harder to notice. They are a good alternative for self-conscious dental patients.
These dental braces for adults work by putting gentle pressure to your teeth in order to align them over time.

How To Straighten Teeth without braces

Straightening your teeth without braces can prove futile, if not risky for your general dental health. At Voss Dental, we don’t advocate for pedestrian straightening of teeth-it is always best to consult your dentist for professional orthodontic treatment adults.
The only proven alternative to straightening teeth without using braces is surgery, and still, it would usually be as a last resort.
The most common types of straightening teeth without braces include:

Use of Retainers

Dental retainers for adults will usually follow a braces treatment. This is because retainers help your newly placed teeth retain the new position. Patients with minimal teeth straightening needs can use dental retainers effectively.
We will look at fixed retainers, retainers that are removable, and Hawley retainer types.
Permanent retainers are not removable and will remain in place for the period prescribed by your orthodontist. Some disadvantages of these retainers include;

  1. Permanent retainers are hard to keep clean. This is because they can’t come out and can harbor food debris, bacteria and in some cases even lead to tartar and plaque buildup.
  2. They are attached to your teeth, meaning you may not get your much desired ‘breathing time’.
  3. These retainers may irritate your tongue, or result in a metallic taste in your mouth.
  4. They require getting used to, especially for users previously on removable braces.

Removable retainers are removable, and mostly worn at night. Patients can remove them while eating and later put them back on. The cons of using removable retainers are;

  1. They are easy to misplace or damage, even by adults.
  2. The retainers can accumulate and introduce bacteria in the mouth, especially when left out for long periods.
  3. They tend to increase the production of saliva and could need constant getting used to with each time they are worn.
  4. With these retainers, the newly positioned teeth could gradually slide back to their crooked positions, if the wearer fails to follow their dentist’s orders accurately.

Hawley retainers, also called wire retainers, are made of thin metal wire and plastic (or acrylic), custom made to fit your teeth shape and design.
The thin wires rest against the six front teeth and have loops near the canines to allow for slight adjustments of your teeth.
Some disadvantages of Hawley retainers are;

  1. They allow for slight movements of your teeth, that could mess with the alignment earlier achieved by dental braces.
  2. They do not cover the grinding part of teeth, so there is no protection against grinding.
  3. Hawley retainers for adults are very conspicuous and may not favor patients who prefer discreet teeth straightening.
  4. They give a bulky coverage of the palate which may not sit well with most patients.
  5. Hawley retainers can always be lost or misplaced.
  6. They may lose their effectiveness in the long run due to the constant removal.

Using Headgear

Traditionally used to correct extreme overbites, the headgear puts pressure in the upper teeth I the jaw.
The major disadvantage is that the cervical headgear could result in extrusion of the maxillary molars.

Use Of Dental Veneers

Porcelain veneers or dental bonding is also used to correct a host of dental problems such as crooked, chipped or discolored teeth. Veneers are thin, hard shells of porcelain bonded permanently to the front of a tooth. Veneers are quite strong and are also resistant to staining.
Some demerits of veneers include;

  1. Dental veneers are an irreversible procedure.
  2. Veneers require very healthy gum. If you are prone to gum disease or weak teeth, dental veneers will further weaken it.
  3. If your veneers chip or crack, they cannot be replaced.
  4. If any of your veneered teeth decay, you will need to replace them with a crown.
  5. For most adults, their natural teeth are likely to become too sensitive to hot or cold temperatures.
  6. The Cost for veneers might be high for some people.

The Best Teeth Straightening braces

From our analysis, the best adult braces options have to be traditional braces and Invisalign. This is because these are tried and tested and offer satisfying results.
Let us look at the advantages of each type, to understand further why they are so efficient.

Cons of Dental braces

These are the best braces to get for adults as they offer guaranteed results, and you can be sure that your teeth will be aligned in due time. These allow you to maintain your ability to chew and grind food without any discomforts.
They do not affect your speech in any way, as they are attached to your teeth directly. The dental braces for adults reduce the chances of developing teeth cavities and periodontal disease, making them a very reliable teeth repair option.
The aligners effectively correct most of dental conditions including Malocclusion, overbites, underbites and open bite treatment. What’s more, they offer the most efficient straightening and realignment of teeth.

These adult braces does not make teeth any harder to clean. Normal brushing and flossing are still possible and properly takes care of them. Your aligners will repair teeth and alleviate possible teeth loss, which may lead to jaw atrophy and other complications.
Their use ensures no risk of injury from protruding teeth, and the Cost of getting them is fair.

Cons of Invisalign

Because invisalign braces are almost invisible, they are a great choice for patients who are conscious of their looks being altered.
These aligners allow for a discreet and efficient realignment of crooked teeth. They are made of clear plastic, making them very comfortable and safe to use.

The clear trays are removable, giving the patient ample time to clean them as well as their natural teeth properly. Cleaning your trays is as easy as brushing with your toothbrush and rinsing them with clean water.

The trays allow you to eat practically everything you love, as you temporarily remove them to eat as much as you need. These clear aligners save you time and Cost maintenance as you require fewer dental visits..

The aligners use allows better, confident smiles in time when your teeth are all well aligned. Patients using these aligners need not worry about getting injured by the brackets while playing their favorite sports. The trays are safe to use while playing or better still, can be removed before the game.

The absence of brackets means wearers can still play their favorite wind musical instruments and does not affect one’s speech.
Their use promotes one’s self-esteem, and there is less need to be socially shy or miss popular events.

Because the aligners are almost invisible, they are a great choice for patients who are conscious of their looks being altered.
These aligners allow for a discreet and efficient realignment of crooked teeth. They are made of clear plastic, making them very comfortable and safe to use.

The clear trays are removable, giving the patient ample time to clean them as well as their natural teeth properly. Cleaning your trays is as easy as brushing with your toothbrush and rinsing them with clean water.

These trays allow you to eat practically everything you love, as you temporarily remove them to eat as much as you need.

These clear aligners save you time and money that would be spent at the dentist’s for maintenance. The Cost of maintaining these clear aligners eventually makes a lot of sense.

These adult braces allow better, confident smiles in time when your teeth are all well aligned.
Patients using these aligners need not worry about getting injured by the brackets while playing their favorite sports. These aligners are safe to use while playing or better still, can be removed before the game.

The absence of brackets means wearers can still play their favorite wind musical instruments and does not affect one’s speech.
The aligners use promotes one’s self-esteem, and there is less need to be socially shy or miss popular events.

At our Voss Dental clinic, in Houston Texas, we take care of all your dental health needs with utmost drive and dedication. Visit our website for more details and to book your appointment.
