What are the problems with all on 4 dental implants

all on 4 dental implants problems

if you are looking for all on 4 dental implants problems, this guide should give you a good overview of the associated problems,  All on 4 dental implants are a common solution for those who have missing or severely damaged teeth. The All-On-4® implants have a high success rate, and for many people, they work well and last for decades, which they should. Statistically, all on 4 implants have a higher than 97 percent success rate.

But what if you’re among those who have all on 4 dental implants problems? Is there a solution?

What Are Common All on 4 Dental Implants Problems?

Although some of the problems with the all on 4 implants are with the quality of the devices, many times, the issues stem from inadequate care and treatment prior to the procedure. The all on 4 implant procedure is complex, and the restorative dentist should be intricately involved in the process from planning to installation. Failure to do so can result in all on 4 dental implants problems that include device failure, tissue damage, and unnecessary expense for the patient.

Common issues that we have seen at Voss Dental in Houston Texas include:

Damage to or breakage of unsupported teeth adjacent to the implant:

If the teeth that are next to the implant aren’t adequately secured, they can crack and break. When combined with any other type of failure, this can have devastating consequences for the patient. It can mean additional expense as well as damage to the surrounding gums, tissues, and teeth.

Inadequate planning prior to placement of the all on 4 devices:

When the restorative dentist fails to spend the time needed to plan properly or consult with the oral surgeon, the implant installation can be compromised, regardless of the quality of the devices.

Improper placement of the all on 4 devices:

All on 4 dental implants must be placed properly and accurately. If not, particularly for patients who have bruxism, the implant can break or cause bone loss in the patient. Restorative dentists should be thoroughly familiar with the placement procedure and the all on 4 dental implants problems that can arise when the procedures aren’t followed precisely.

Lack of interface with the dental lab during the construction of the prosthetic devices:

An all on 4 installation process has many steps that must be strictly followed to ensure that the device installation procedure is successful. For example, an insufficient number of office visits with the patient, insufficient fitting of the devices, inadequate communication with the lab, vague or non-specific instructions, and poor device quality can all contribute to an increase in the all on 4 dental implants problems that patients can experience.

Poor quality construction of the all on 4 implants:

As with all dental appliances, the All-On-4® is a trademarked brand, although there are many lesser-quality substitutes than can be used. Lesser quality implants can contribute to all on 4 dental implant problems that may be exacerbated by other factors.

Unreasonable expectations from the patient:

If a patient has had teeth missing for an extended period, then they may have difficulty adjusting to a mouth that’s once again full of teeth. Implants fit differently than natural teeth, and patients who are unaware of this may find their implant installation unsatisfactory. This type of situation can be prevented by fully explaining the pros and cons of the all on 4 devices so that the patient knows what to expect from their new appliances.Bite problems may occur due to a lack of nerve endings, also called proprioception, in the all on 4 dental implant arch.

Lack of proprioception can also result in chewing issues, so patients should be advised to chew carefully and eat slowly until they develop a safe chewing muscle memory with their new teeth.All-On-4® implants do not extend from the gum in the same manner as natural teeth, so patients might feel that their new device is very bulky. Advising them of this beforehand can forestall potential problems that may arise.

Improper care after installation:

Patients should be informed of the importance of proper oral hygiene routines when caring for their new dentures. Either super floss or water floss should be used at least daily, so that food particles don’t accumulate under the device. Wearing a night guard is a must so that patients avoid grinding their teeth at night and thereby damaging their prosthetic devices.Patients should also have their all on 4 devices professionally cleaned every four to six months and should have the small supporting screws replaced every few years. Proper preventive maintenance will preclude many problems that can occur throughout the years.

Health conditions such as diabetes, smoking, periodontal disease, or inflammatory diseases:

Diabetes can destroy your teeth. Periodontal disease can destroy your teeth and your gums. Smoking can ruin your entire body and increase the failure rate of your implants to more than 15 percent. If you smoke, you can reasonably expect to have all on 4 dental implants problems. If you don’t have problems, that’s great, but if you do, then it was a calculated risk.If your diabetes is well controlled, then it shouldn’t cause all on 4 dental implants problems, but you should advise your restorative dentist if you’re diabetic.Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease that will destroy your teeth, your gums, and your jawbone.

If you have periodontal disease, then you may need additional dental procedures prior to the installation of the all on 4 dental implants. The implants require sufficient jawbone mass to support the posts, so if you have periodontal disease, you may need a bone graft to provide enough bone to secure the posts. Your restorative dentist will advise you if you lack sufficient jawbone for the all on 4 procedures and suggest alternatives if that’s the case.

all on 4 dental implants problemsWhat’s The All On 4 Dental Implants Recovery Time?

The all on 4 dental implants recovery time should be significantly shorter than that of other types of implants. All-On-4® implants are designed to fuse quickly into your jawbone through a process known as osseointegration, and some patients are able to eat solid foods on the same day that they receive their implants. However, this is the exception rather than the rule, and patients shouldn’t expect that they’ll be able to do so.

Will All-On-4® Implants Affect My Speech?

If you have missing teeth, you may find that all on 4 implants improve your speech. If they are placed correctly, you may have minor issues with some letters, but your speech clarity should improve when you have the implants installed.

What’s The Cost Of All On 4 In Houston Texas?

If you’re interested in this type of dental implant, then contact Voss Dental in Houston Texas. We’re among the best in the area for restorative dentistry and are very competitive with our cost of all on 4 in Houston Texas.

What’s The All On 4 Dental Implants Cost Near Me?

If you’ve been looking for the “all on 4 dental implants cost near me“, then look no further. When you come to our office for your initial consultation, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive estimate of the cost of your procedure. If you need implants but can’t afford them, we have several flexible financing options that can help you. Ask us about our attractive financing options.

Where Can I Find All On 4 Dental Implants In Houston Texas?

Voss Dental is one of the best dentists in the Houston area for the All-On-4® system of implants, and we have many satisfied patients. If you’re interested in these types of implants or if you need restorative dentistry of another type, then call our office at 713-322-8811 to schedule an appointment. We’re conveniently located at 9400 Westheimer Road, so wherever you’re located in Houston, you can easily reach our office. Call us today for an appointment. We look forward to speaking with you and working with you.
