Do Braces Hurt

beautiful girl with braces

What is it like to have braces? Many people ask others that burning question. If you have any concerns that involve the alignment of your teeth, you’ve most likely thought at length about pursuing orthodontic care in the form of braces. Braces can be helpful to people who have overbites, underbites, overcrowding and crossbites, among other issues. Do braces hurt your teeth? If you’re seriously considering getting them, you should learn about pain levels.

After You Initially Get Braces | After Tightening | Removal of the Braces | Pain Management Tips

After You Initially Get Them

Getting these devices isn’t anything that causes pain. It’s a process that can call for anywhere in the range of one and two hours total. Orthodontists place bands next to the molars that are in the back. This sometimes calls for a subtle degree of tension, although it doesn’t hurt at all. After that’s complete, orthodontists put glue on that has a flavoring that isn’t exactly pleasant. Although the flavor isn’t enjoyable, it in no way, shape or form causes any pain. Orthodontists attach brackets onto the individual teeth. They attach them using wires. Once all is said and done, they adhere everything using elastic bands.

After several hours go by, patients start to feel a degree of gum and teeth pain. They may feel a bit of gum and teeth soreness as well. This typically remains for approximately seven days or so. While that happens, patients adjust to the sensation that’s associated with the devices. The rubber bands and wires introduce pressure as a means of gradually aligning teeth. People often have to adapt to the tension.

If you have concerns about pain after braces, you may want to think at length about your approach to eating your meals. Some people finding chewing with the devices in their mouths rather tricky. Teeth sensitivity isn’t uncommon in people who have just received braces. It may help to kick things off by consuming food items that have smoother textures. Some examples are mashed potatoes, oatmeal and soups in general. If you’re concerned, you may want to eat these kinds of things for several days.

It isn’t atypical for patients to experience pain that lingers between two and three days after they get the devices inserted into their mouths. This is the result of the start of realignment. If your teeth hurt, you may be able to manage the feeling with the assistance of pain medicines that are available over-the-counter. You can ask your orthodontist for suitable recommendations. Some orthodontists suggest that patients test out saltwater rinses. These rinses may be able to minimize soreness substantially.

If you wait approximately five days, then your pain situation may change significantly. The pain may disappear entirely by this time. If it hasn’t disappeared completely, then it may be dramatically better. Your teeth may have slowly but surely adapted to the addition of the devices. Eating your meals should be nowhere near as difficult as it was at first. Note that foods that have especially tough textures may continue to be a dilemma. You may be able to go back to eating as you always do now, however.

See Also: How much Braces Cost in Houston Texas

After Tightening Takes Place

Teeth pain after braces isn’t a rare concern. If you think about teeth pain after braces, it may help you to zero in on tightening, too. Braces take care of alignment woes through the application of nonstop tooth pressure. With some time, the teeth go into positions that are markedly straighter. People typically have these devices inside of their mouths for roughly two years in total.

Patients who have braces have to go to orthodontic appointments in intervals of several weeks. The aim behind this is to receive regular adjustments. Orthodontists assess the teeth and their pressure levels. They tighten elastic bands, springs and wires in order to boost tension levels.

Tightening sessions can lead to soreness and pain. These things typically linger for several days at a time. Note, though, that the soreness and pain should pale in comparison with the feelings of initial placement. Once several days pass, patients adapt to the pressure changes. If you’re frustrated by pain, then it may give you relief to use a pain reliever that’s on hand over-the-counter. If you get tightening monthly, then this may be something that you have to grapple with only occasionally. Numerous factors determine how often patients require tightening. Orthodontists evaluate alignment advancement as a means of figuring out when patients have to return for tightening work.

It isn’t unheard of for patients to exclusively detect gum and teeth pain post-tightening. Tongue and cheek pain isn’t usually an issue at this time. The tongue and cheeks typically adapt to braces rapidly.

After Braces Get Taken Out

Teeth pain after braces can be stressful. Some patients question whether taking braces out hurts at all. It’s not at all uncommon for patients to encounter pain after their orthodontists extract their braces. Orthodontists get rid of wires, bands and brackets. They do this prior to cleaning. The aim behind this is to do away with any and all remnants of glue.

Orthodontists top things off by tackling retainer fitting sessions. Retainers, in a nutshell, are devices that encourage the teeth to stay put in their new spots. If you don’t want your teeth to go back to looking the way they did before, then you need to prioritize consistent retainer use, period.

Patients often have to use retainers that they can take out. They often have to do this for designated stretches of time after their braces are gone. Some patients have to wear their retainers all day long. Others have to wear them solely during the night hours. Retainers are not supposed to trigger extra discomfort. There are retainers out there that patients have to use for the long-haul. If you get this type of retainer, then your orthodontist may adhere it to your teeth. He or she may do this in a manner that’s reminiscent of braces insertion.

Dental sessions on the whole typically cause a subtle degree of discomfort. Braces removal doesn’t hurt patients. It may trigger a hint of discomfort that isn’t too bothersome for anyone. Once orthodontists extract braces, they meticulously cleanse the teeth.

People who wear retainers sometimes are unable to manage their teeth cleaning duties effectively. If you have issues with teeth cleaning as a result of retainer use, then you may become a lot more prone to tooth decay and cavities alike. Both of these things can hurt people considerably. If you want to do your best to dodge pain, then you have to make a point to prioritize strong and comprehensive teeth cleaning sessions no matter what. It can be a terrific idea to dodge food items that have a lot of sugar. It can be just as terrific to dodge foods that have particularly viscous textures.

Taking Charge of Teeth Pain After Braces: Effective Strategies to Try Out

There’s no denying that any teeth pain after braces can be exasperating. Managing teeth pain after braces, though, is in no way out of reach for anyone. Although the majority of braces recipients frown upon any pain that does pop up, they typically do not think that it’s anything intolerable and unbearable. Pain generally only is a problem for a handful of days or so after initial placement and tightening sessions.

Getting through any episodes of teeth pain after braces doesn’t have to be hard. Many people rely on medications that are over-the-counter. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are a couple of big examples. These kinds of medicines can minimize soreness within the mouth. They can also decrease the intensity levels of headaches that are linked to braces adjustment stages.

As noted before, saltwater rinses that are nice and warm can also do so much for people who do not want to have to sit back and tolerate intense braces pain. It isn’t hard to make these kinds of rinses. You can blend together a single salt teaspoon with eight water ounces.

Sticking to a menu that’s completely soft can help people who have any concerns about pain levels that are part of braces wear. If you want to keep any pain you feel to a minimum, you should zero in on foods that won’t exacerbate matters. People often do this after their routine tightening sessions take place. It can be prudent to nosh on ice cream and soup. These are two examples of food items that do not call for significant chewing. Opting for cold meals and drinks in general can do a lot for people who want to keep their pain levels in check. It’s also often wise to steer clear of drinks that are on the acidic side. That’s because they may be able to exacerbate irritation. You should resist the urge to drink tomato juice, orange juice or anything else similar.

Cold therapy can come in handy for all kinds of issues. It can be suitable for patients who want to make it through braces-related pain episodes as well. You can put an ice pack right on top of your face. You can conceal the pack using a cloth, too.

If you have gum pain issues, then you can depend on topical anesthetics. Put them straight onto your gums with a cotton swab. If you prefer, you can also put them on using your finger.

Some patients have issues with braces literally piercing their inside cheeks. This piercing can naturally lead to a significant amount of pain. If you want to stop it in its tracks, you can request a soft wax from your orthodontist. These waxes tend to be available for purchase through pharmacies.

Mouth exercises may be useful to people who have concerns that involve braces and pain. You can give your mouth a workout session by doing a lot of chewing. Mouth use can encourage teeth to rapidly move into their optimal positions.

Take Note of Any Abnormal Pain

Some degree of pain is normal in patients who gets braces. There may be pain, however, that isn’t standard. If you experience piercing and abrupt pain of a tooth, you should investigate the situation further. If you experience this kind of pain in a section of your gums, you should assess matters.

If you feel as though a wire is jutting into your mouth, then you shouldn’t let it continue even for a second.

Severe cold and hot food sensitivity isn’t fun. If you’re barely unable to eat foods that are anything beyond room temperature, then new braces could be the reason.

Never forget that tightening pain is supposed to be brief. It’s not supposed to be something that you have to tolerate for weeks and weeks at a time. If your pain sticks around for longer than five days total post-tightening, then you should look further into the situation.

Brackets that aren’t firm in their positions inside of your mouth can be highly unsightly. If they get loose, they can fall abruptly to the ground.

Bleeding isn’t pretty. It can also point to a serious issue that involves your braces and your teeth in general. If you notice any kind of bleeding, then you should tell your orthodontist without a hint of hesitation.

Chipping teeth can look noticeable and unattractive. They can also lead to significant pain of the teeth. If you have teeth chipping that has recently started to hurt you, then you should pick up the phone to set up an appointment with a capable and reliable orthodontist as soon as possible.

Contact the Attentive and Adept Team at Voss Dental to Put Together a Braces Consultation

If you want to comprehend braces and how they feel inside of the mouth, we can guide the way for you here at Voss Dental. Call our talented team as soon as you get the chance to learn more about braces and related pain matters. Schedule a braces consultation with our tireless crew A.S.A.P.
