Dental Crown Fell Out, Causes and Treatment Options

crown fell off

If you have ever broken a tooth, your dentist will likely tell you that you require a crown. You use dental crowns to cover affected teeth. Unlike veneers that cover only the front of your tooth, a crown generally covers all or most of it. It also supports damaged or weak teeth.

Based on the material from which it is made, it will have to last for several years. However, it could loosen or even experience crown fell out before it needs replacement. Are you wondering if a crown comes out what to do? This comprehensive guide will answer that. If you have a dislodged crown or when tooth crown falls out, it is significant that you understand how to deal with such a situation and the cost of dental crown.

What Should I Do If My Permanent Dental Crown Fell Out

Imagine this situation: You are taking your meal, and you feel a lump and something strange in your mouth. Your crown fell out and floated around your mouth.

What should I do if the crown fell off?

  • The best thing would be to restore your crown and take it to the dentist. The chances are that they will put it back in your mouth after cleaning it.
  • Next, contact your dentist to plan an appointment. You may require to get a new replacement of the same. Ask your dentist the possibility of any other specific instructions you need to stick to.
  • Some dentists may recommend you try putting it back. First, using toothpaste, gently cleanse the inside of your crown.
  • You may use toothpaste (or even sugar-free gums or dental adhesive) to temporarily “stick” your crown into place on the jawline. You may purchase a temporary dental cement from a grocery store or at the drugstore.

Are you waiting for your new crown? Avoid chewing with it, and try to be cautious as you eat. Take the liquid and soft foods until you replace your dislodged crown.

What Should I Do If Temporary Crown Fell Out

Except you acquire a crown on the same day, dentists will mostly put a temporary crown if your crown fell off. Think of the temporary crown as a placeholder. You are filling the place where the permanent crown will get installed eventually. You may have the temporary crown for about two weeks.

Temporary crowns are usually installed using temporary cement. Thus you might require to be very careful with them. Your doctor will likely suggest avoiding sticky, pressed, and hard foods.

Even with attention and care, you can still experience temporary crown fell out. Ensure you inform your dentist and inquire for any instructions. Meanwhile, stick to the basic protocols the same as with the permanent tooth crown came off.

Reasons Your Dental Crown Fell Off

Here are some of the reasons for dental crown failure.

1. Improper Construction or Fit

This is possibly the reason for your crown fell off if it is fairly new. If your crown fell out and you had it for several years or to feel like it’s shedding, possibly it was made of improper fit. With time, pressure, chewing, and biting force might loosen it if it does not fit well.

It is also likely that your tooth doesn’t have adequate structure or is too short to support the dental crown properly. Crowns require enough tooth structure to stay in place. On short or worn teeth, enamel may not be enough to provide durable consistency.

2. The Deterioration of the Dental Cement

Dental cement used for holding the crown is durable and strong; however, it does not remain forever. Even with a great precaution, your teeth are likely to worsen with time; thus, your crown fell out or loosened.

If this occurs, it is possible to clean your crown and tooth to get rid of any cement residue and then place your crown on the tooth structure. With the crown in good condition, it should be like a new one.

3. Teeth Grinding or Clenching, Causing the Crown to Loosen

This is a major cause of premature failure of the crown, especially in the posterior teeth. If you gnash your teeth while sleeping, you will put lots of pressure on the back premolars and molars. This may loosen the cement holding your crown in position or cause your crown to break with time. In case you clench your teeth and have a crown on one of your back teeth, it is essential to put on a night guard at night to protect your oral health.

4. Recurrence of Tooth Decay

In case you do not floss or brush properly, cavities may develop under the dental crown. This does not commonly occur, but it is likely to happen. This can also happen if your doctor didn’t prepare your teeth properly before placing the dental crown. Root canal failure may also contribute to the crown fell out.

What Are My Treatment Options?

When tooth crown falls out, the dentist will assess the crown itself and its location. Depending on the crown’s health and your mouth’s condition, you will have to choose whether to perform a crown reinstallation or create and put in a new crown.

Some study suggests that it is possible to utilize an existing dental crown even though the tooth is broken beneath, although some work may be necessary before it gets reinstalled. But if the tooth gets broken underneath, you might require a new crown to make sure you have a perfect fit.

In case you require a fresh crown and the tooth gets damaged, the dentist will have to prepare the tooth, which might mean filing your tooth or putting some filling stuff to build it. The dentist then installs a temporary crown to create time for the creation of a new crown.

Other dentists also provide same-day crowns that are made from a very sturdy ceramic material such as CEREC. You may abandon your temporary dental crown in this case.

What to Do If My Dental Crown Is Loose?

Dental crowns can loosen with time. If the dental crown loosens, you may feel slight pain and sensitivity to hot or cold drinks and foods. The process of chewing and exposure to air may increase tooth sensitivity. Most individuals had no clue how to continue after their crown fell off or became loose. You can also have a crown on a tooth that underwent a root canal procedure. If your crown fell off and you had a root canal on that same teeth, you should not experience any discomfort. Here are steps to follow if your dental crown becomes loose.

Step 1: Retrieve the Crown

If it loosened such that the crown fell out, what should I do? It would be best if you took your time to find the dislodged crown. Crowns may fall out when brushing, flossing, or eating food. There is also a possibility that you may swallow the dental crown. If this happens, it passes through your digestive system, and you most likely require to obtain a fresh crown. In case you can trace the crown, try cleaning it using your toothbrush. Make sure you put it in a mug or somewhere to ensure its safety.

Step 2: Get In Touch With Your Dentist

If your crown fell off or loosened, ensure you visit the dentist soonest possible. Your doctor will replace the crown to prevent further damage or cavities. Do not underestimate the significance of this event. If your crown fell out, you should consider that a legit dental emergency.

The dentist will probably be able to see you in one or two days, if not the same day you realize the loosening. Here is how to go ahead in the days or hours between crowning your jaw and the visit to your dentist’s office.

Step 3: Take the Necessary Measures Before Visiting the Dentist

If you trace the dental crown, try to put it back. You can put the crown back on your tooth with the available dental cream that you can get at a neighboring drugstore. Small amounts of toothpaste may also serve. Please take a closer look at the dental crown before using the cream to see how it fits over your tooth. Try this preparation before using any cream. If your dental crown is in the correct position on your tooth, it feels natural when you chew or bite. However, it is not okay to bite hard, as a strong bite can further damage the tooth crown.

In case you cannot locate the dental crown, you must see an emergency dentist or doctor without delay. Teeth without a crown will be brittle and vulnerable to breakage. The absence of a protective crown may expose the teeth’ deeper parts to bacteria and debris that cause tooth decay and infections. In case you feel pain after the loosening of your crown, take a dental pain killer to reduce uneasiness. Utilizing clove oil can also aid in pain reduction.

Be Careful When Chewing

If your tooth crown came off or loosened and not too far from the tooth, you may do your share to ensure it in position until you see the dentist. The best way for you is to chew and bite food using the other side of the mouth so that the dentist can examine the crowns. Although such a strategic grinding does not guarantee that your crown will remain in place, it may certainly help stop crown fell off from occuring.

How Long Dental Crown Last

If other people tell you that you are grinding or clenching the teeth, you can expect the life of any curative work performed in the mouth to last for a shorter time. Oral hygiene and even consumption habits cause some wear on the teeth. Maintaining good oral health will significantly upsurge your crown’s life. If you wear a night guard when sleeping, you will also promote its lifespan.

Placing a dental crown in the mouth may also play a decisive factor in its lifespan. Some crowns may last a lifetime, while others can crack and require replacement. Averagely, a crown may last for 10 to 30 years if well taken care of.

How to Protect Your Dental Crown from Falling Out

There isn’t much you may do if the crown doesn’t fit properly in your mouth or in case the cement is weak. However, you may still be pre-emptive in taking good care of the crown to minimize the chances of loosening and crown fell off. Some of the steps recommended include the following:

  • Do not chew ice
  • Avoid or exercise care when eating sticky or chewing food
  • Floss regularly
  • Brush the teeth two times daily
  • Make use of an interdental brush (this is a wider tooth brush that penetrates between the teeth, such as dental floss) to take out any layer of plaque from the part where the gum meets your crown and tooth

If you clench your teeth while sleeping, your dentist may also recommend wearing a mouth guard to protect the crown and other teeth.


In case your crown fell off, you are not the first or last individual to do so. The essential thing to recall is to contact your dentist to plan a meeting to reinstall or replace it. Meanwhile, grab it and use your mouth with ease when eating. In case you experience dental crown failure, do not hesitate to contact us.
