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How Much Do Dental Implants Cost in Houston?
There’s no way to tell exactly how much it will cost to get dental implants in Houston without a thorough examination. However, you can expect to pay more for this kind of treatment than for other services such as traditional dentures. Your specific needs and the condition of your mouth and jawbone will have an impact on the total cost of dental implants. Houston dental implant patients paid, on average, $2,488 for a single implant in 2019. Individuals that received a single upper or lower denture plate paid roughly $14,220 on average.
The condition and appearance of your teeth can have a major impact on every aspect of your life. First and foremost, crooked, chipped, or yellow teeth can erode your self-esteem. Instead of openly smiling and laughing, you cover your mouth or rarely smile. Socially, you feel the judgment of other people and it holds you back from making connections. This insecurity makes you hide at work instead of trying to stand out so you can reach your full potential. With the help of dental implants, you can improve your smile, gain back your confidence, and start living the life you deserve. But, what are dental implants, who’s a good candidate for them, and how much do they cost in Houston?
What are Dental Implants?
Unlike traditional dentures and partials, dental implants are metal posts or frames that are attached to the jawbone under the gum surgically. Dental implants can be used to replace one, some, or all of the teeth. The purpose of the dental implant is to provide a place for the replacement tooth, or teeth, to be mounted to. Since the implant is fused to the jawbone, it provides an incredibly stable base for artificial teeth, dentures, and bridges. Plus, dental implants are a long-lasting solution that require very little maintenance. Dental implants typically have three parts:
- Implant – A permanently attached device that serves as a root for the new teeth.
- Abutment –Â A permanent post that supports and holds a tooth or group of teeth.
- Crown – The part of the tooth that you can see when you smile or open your mouth.
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Types of Dental Implants
One of the best things about dental implants is their versatility. They can be used to replace a single tooth, a few teeth, or an entire mouthful. Regardless of the number of teeth that are being replaced, you’ll likely receive one of the two types of dental implants that the American Dental Association considers safe. They are:
Endosteal Implants
These dental implants require two surgeries. During the first, the implant is placed in the jawbone. After the gum tissue has healed sufficiently, posts are connected to the original implant and the artificial teeth are attached to the post. This type of dental implant can replace a single tooth, or it can hold a bridge or full denture.
Subperiosteal Implants
These dental implants do not attach directly to your jawbone, but instead lie under your gum tissue, above the jawbone like a saddle. The metal frame supports small posts that the artificial teeth attach to. This is generally the option for people who have lost bone structure and cannot support the Endosteal style implants.
Will Dental Insurance Pay for Dental Implants?
That depends upon your dental insurance carrier and the specifics of your insurance policy. In many cases, dental insurance policies consider dental implants to be cosmetic surgery and either don’t cover implants, or pay only a small portion of the cost. Generally, dental insurance covers 10% or less of the total cost of dental implants. However, some health insurance plans may cover the cost of the surgeries, depending upon the carrier and the policy provisions.
Are Other Payment Options Available?
If you lack dental insurance, or your policy won’t cover the cost of dental implants, all is not lost. At Omega Dental Specialists, we strive to offer low-cost dental treatments for all our patients and we will work with you. Of course, we accept most dental insurance, Medicaid and CHIP. If you don’t have dental insurance, have gone over your coverage limits, or dental implants aren’t part of your coverage, we offer budget-friendly payment plans and financing options.
Should I Get Dental Implants?
The answer is, maybe. Dental implants are a highly personal choice and whether or not you should get dental implants depends upon the recommendation of your oral surgeon. If your surgeon agrees that you’re a good candidate, it’s certainly worth considering this as an option. While the cost may be a bit high in the beginning, remember that this is a permanent dental solution and it will have a serious impact on your health, happiness, and well-being. You’ll smile with confidence, eat without worry of pain or discomfort, and feel better about yourself and your appearance.
How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
Traditional dentures, bridges, and partials can require ongoing maintenance and adjustments in order to function properly. A set of dentures may only last 10 years or less, depending upon how they fit, how you eat, and other factors. Dental implants, on the other hand, are considered a permanent solution and require very little to remain functional. In fact, with proper oral hygiene and regular check-ups with a dentist, dental implants can last a lifetime.
Dental Implants in Houston
They say that first impressions are everything and a crooked smile with broken, discolored, or otherwise unattractive teeth may leave a negative impression when it matters most. If you live in the Houston area and you feel as though your smile is holding you back, contact us at Voss Dental. We specialize in helping people regain their natural, vibrant smiles and our skilled oral surgeons can help you as well. Give us a call at 713-322-8811, or contact us online if you have any questions about dental implants or any other dental health issues. If you’d like to receive a consultation regarding dental implants, schedule an appointment online anytime.[/vc_column_text][tm_spacer size=”lg:50″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes” content_placement=”middle” border_color=”primary” background_color=”primary” parallax=”content-moving” parallax_image=”4022″ css=”.vc_custom_1530455720345{padding-top: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 30px !important;}” kswr_row_top_decor_enabled=”false” kswr_row_bottom_decor_enabled=”false” lg_spacing=”padding_top:40;padding_bottom:40″][vc_column][vc_row_inner equal_height=”yes” content_placement=”middle” content_alignment=”center”][vc_column_inner][tm_heading tag=”h2″ custom_google_font=”1″ google_fonts=”font_family:Poppins%3A300%2Cregular%2C500%2C600%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” font_weight=”600″ align=”center” text_color=”custom” custom_text_color=”#ffffff” text=”BOOK ONLINE TO GET A FREE EXAM & X-RAY” font_size=”xs:25;sm:30;md:35;lg:35″ line_height=”1.5″][tm_spacer size=”lg:15″][tm_spacer size=”sm:25;lg:30″][tm_button size=”custom” button=”url:%2Fmake-an-appointment%2F|title:BOOK%20ONLINE%20NOW||” align=”center” color=”custom” button_bg_color=”custom” font_color=”primary” button_border_color=”custom” button_icon_color=”” button_bg_color_hover=”custom” font_color_hover=”custom” button_border_color_hover=”custom” button_icon_color_hover=”” width=”180″ custom_button_bg_color=”#ffffff” custom_button_border_color=”#ffffff” custom_button_bg_color_hover=”#1e73be” custom_font_color_hover=”#ffffff” custom_button_border_color_hover=”#1e73be”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]